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Advisory Class at SMS

Research tells us that middle school students need additional social/emotional support. Our advisory program provides this environment for students so they can cultivate stronger relationships with their peers and teacher. The advisory period will also help develop interpersonal skills and provide opportunities for self reflection and personal growth. Students will meet with their advisory class every day this year. During the first quarter, students will be engaged in the following learning activities:


1. Team building with peers and teacher

2. Google docs training

3. Canvas introduction

4. School-wide lessons on what it means to Show Respect, Make a Different and Set the Bar High at SMS

5. Grade level class meetings

6. Student SMART goal setting

7. Internet safety lessons

8. Anti-bullying lessons

9. Student-led conference preparation


Click here for a video explaining more about the Advisory class at Schmucker Middle School.


Mr. Galiher was interviewed on the 5 Star Live radio show. Click here to listen to the broadcast.