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Chromebooks for Incoming 6th Graders and New Students

Each incoming Middle School 6th grader will receive a new HP Chromebook in August 2019. In order for the Chromebook distribution process to run smoothly for our entire student population, please review the following 2 documents found on the PHM website (found at – Parents – A Parents’ Guide to P-H-M Technology – Digital Devices - Chromebooks)

PHM Chromebook Guidelines

PHM Acceptable Use Policy

Parents/guardians of incoming 6th graders/new students and the students themselves are to sign and return the Student Chromebook Acknowledgement Form (also found on the PHM website) to the main office of their new school.

1.      Once the Student Chromebook Acknowledgement Form is returned to the school’s main office, a Chromebook will be reserved for distribution during the first few days of school in August 2019 at our middle schools.

2.      Each parent/guardian will be responsible if the Chromebook is damaged or stolen.

3.      P-H-M will provide an optional Chromebook Insurance Program in the fall for parents/guardians wishing to participate. The insurance program will cover 2 accidental damage repairs, and will cost $25.00 per year. Payment is due with the signed Insurance form for it to be active.