Some of our 8th grade SMS students got an incredible opportunity to meet local South Bend author Lisa DeSelm. Ms. DeSelm's book, The Puppetmaster's Apprentice, a beautiful retelling of the Pinocchio fairytale, was recently published in October of 2020. Students met with Ms. DeSelm via Google Meet on Monday, February 8th. She spoke to students about her writing process, how she gets inspiration for her stories, and how her story came to be published. She also gave students some advice about the creative process for their own writing. The highlight of the event was the question & answer portion. Students were able to ask insightful questions such as "What do you do if you get writer's block" and "What happens when you have an idea in your head, but when you write it down, you can't make it make sense." Both the students and Ms. DeSelm had a wonderful time, and we are so lucky she spent this time with us!
For participating in the event, students received a copy of the book, thanks to the generosity of our wonderful SMS PTO! They partnered with the fabulous Kathy Burnette of the Brain Lair bookstore in South Bend to provide these books for students. Kathy is a former PHM librarian who opened her bookstore in 2018. What a treat for us to support a local author and a local business! Students were absolutely thrilled to get their own copies of the book! This was such a fun and successful event!