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Employee of the Year Julie Demske Honored at PHM Employee Dinner

PHM Superintendent Dr. Jerry Thacker honors Julie Demske at PHM's Employee Recognition Dinner held May 16

At P-H-M’s Employee Recognition Dinner held Monday, May 16, the School Corporation honored Ms. Julie Demske as Employee of the Year, along with PHM's Teachers of the Years: Elementary Teacher of the Year Miss Amanda Fox (Elsie Rogers) and Secondary Teacher of the Year Mrs. Becky Hope (Penn Art Teacher); retirees, and employees who've been with PHM for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years. Some Schmucker teachers are among those retiring and thanked for their years of service with PHM. Click to read the dinner program and see the full photo gallery of the dinner on P-H-M’s website.



“A behind the scenes person,” that’s how Ms. Demske describes herself. As Schmucker’s Head Custodian, Julie takes pride in helping things run smoothly and being the person you call when you need help. 


Click to watch the video below that shows just how vital Ms. Demske is to the Schmucker community ...