Free and Reduced Lunch and Textbook Assistance
We encourage families who are struggling to meet expenses to apply for the National School Lunch Program's free and reduced-price lunch. The application is easy to complete (one per household) and includes a place to indicate that you also want to apply for textbook assistance. It's a good idea to take advantage of this program early in the school year. For answers to frequently asked questions, application or more information, click here: https://www.phmschools.
Payment Plan
Textbook fee statements have been mailed out. The school will accept cash and checks payable to Schmucker Middle School. All textbook and supplemental fees were due in full or a payment plan established by Friday, October 2, 2015. If you would still like to establish a payment plan, please complete the Payment Agreement Form and return it to the Schmucker Middle School Office as soon as possible.