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SMS Boys Track Season is Starting

SMS 7th and 8th Grade BOYS,

The first practice for the BOYS track team will be after school until 6 pm on Wednesday, March 21.
Please bring athletic clothing and shoes, and be prepared to do a little listening and a little running... or maybe a lot of each?
Your ride should pick you up in the NORTH parking lot by NO LATER THAN 6 PM (the North lot is the one closest to the gym)
Thank you,
Coach Sears
Special Reminder:
If you are interested in joining the track team, You MUST have an ATHLETICS PHYSICAL FORM on file in the office or you will not be able to participate!
If you have already participated in a school sport THIS SCHOOL YEAR, that means you already have your physical form on file. 
If you have NOT turned in a physical form, you should talk to your parents ASAP in order to get one scheduled so you will be able to start the season the same time as everyone else.
If you are NOT SURE if you have a form on file, you most likely do NOT!  Check with your parents, the school office, or a track coach to find out more if needed.
SMS Track Coaches
Head Coach: David Sears
Assistant Coaches: Dan Hawley and Karl Black